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This page offers articles of a humorous nature, opinion pieces, social and political commentaries, and even rants. If you’re down for a laugh or hear a side this is the page to go to.

Traffic Nightmares

Why Study Abroad?

What Happened to Thanksgiving?

An Electrifying Performance

Feeling In-Between This Valentine’s Day

by Marisa Seager Most people are pretty quick to say whether or not they are in favor of Valentine’s Day, but most of the time...

The Loveliest Valentine’s Day Playlist Spotify DIDN’T Make

by Devon Mitchell February is upon us, meaning stupid Cupid’s quiver is full of arrows of love ready to pierce the hearts of mere mortals....

Pro-Life Marchers Swarm DC

By Devon Mitchell It’s a new semester for Roanoke College, and for this Maroon, I’m spending my time in the nation's Capital, Washington DC. During...

Starting the Semester with Online Classes

By Marisa Seager After being fortunate enough to return to in-person classes this past semester, I started to feel hopeful that we wouldn’t have to...

Winter is Coming

Rebecca Dance The shifting seasons are a wonder of the circle of life: the world is dying to be born anew come approximately March. We're...

Top 5 Best Christmas Songs (Inarguably)

Chamberlain Zulauf #5 Christmas in Harlem- Ye If Die Hard counts as a Christmas movie then Kanye deserves a spot. Teyana Taylor who has a great...

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year, Spotify Wrapped

Devon Mitchell We’ve been waiting patiently since December 2020 for the joy and happiness only one special day can bring. Sharing the goodwill of man...

The Least Wonderful Time of the Year

Kristi Rolf            This article is hitting the stands in the throes of that period known as the holiday season. We are all familiar with the...

Thanksgiving Marathons

Rebecca Dance I do not run on a regular basis. I have the hips and knees of an elderly woman hidden in my twenty-year-old body,...

Dolly Pardon Me, I Don’t Like Country

Devon Mitchell For as long as I can remember, I have strongly disliked the genre of music known as country. I have had multiple music...

A World without Daylight Savings Time

Kristi Rolf In the early hours of Sunday morning, I lay awake in bed staring at the dim glow from the phone in my hand....

Turkey for National Bird

Chamberlain Zulauf Thanksgiving fun fact- Benjamin Franklin wanted the turkey to be the national bird of the United States. That’s a pretty common fact nowadays...

A Scary Future for Republicans

By Devon Mitchell It’s been ten months since the January 6th Capitol Insurrection and trials have been going on to prosecute those who were in...

The Meaning of Spooky Season

By Chamberlain Zulauf    I have to say, I’m team Halloween. Good ol’ winter holidays are nice and all, but spooky season is King. Christmas movies...

Halloween Candy Rundown

By Rebecca Dance   Halloween is quite possibly my favorite holiday, rivaled only by Christmas and my birthday. I love the idea of Halloween: it’s a...

The Spookiest Indie Playlist Spotify DIDN’T Make

By Devon Mitchell Halloween is this weekend which means only one thing, time to make the gnarliest Halloween playlist for all my indie goblins and...

It’s Time to Prepare

Written by Rebecca Dance          Spooky time is upon us again, folks. It might not feel like it recently, with these eighty degree days, but I...

Stephen Moore Left Me Wanting Less

Written by Devon Mitchell Roanoke’s Center for Economic Freedom had its inaugural David L. Guy Lecture Series event with speaker Stephen Moore in a talk...

Novo Amor: a New Artist to Love

Written by Kristi Rolf Lush guitar chords, subtle baselines, gentle percussion, and ambient strings. These are the sounds layered underneath the signature soft falsetto voice...

3 Steps for Stress Management

Written by Chamberlain Zulauf My senior year is the busiest I’ve ever been here at Roanoke and we’re only halfway through the first semester. Being...