Home The Brackety-Ack Staff

The Brackety-Ack Staff

Mikaela Gantz, Editor-In-Chief

Mikaela is a senior Political Science and Environmental studies double major with concentrations in Peace and Justice Studies and Legal Studies. Aside from being EIC of the BA, she is also an Outdoor Adventures guide, Honors President, a subject tutor, a spiritual life fellow, and a civic engagement alternative break trip leader. Off-campus, she works at Walkabout Outfitter in Roanoke and Treetop Quest in Explore Park. She will be headed off to law school soon! Her motto/advice is…

“Be happy and fill your life with people who support you in your happiness, life is too serious to take seriously”


Sabrina Rogers, Entertainment Editor

Sabrina is a sophomore Creative Writing major (soon to be Publishing concentration). While being an editor for the BA, she is also part of the Alpha Psi Omega honor society for the Theater department and a teacher’s assistant in the business department. Off campus you can find her boot-scoot boogying on the dance floor, line dancing her heart out or playing with light sabers outside of Wortmann Complex (when it’s not wicked cold out). Knowing her, she is probably telling everyone

“Ars longa, vita brevis” or “Art is long, life is short” because who doesn’t love Latin phrases!



Juniper Rogers, Folks at Noke Editor

Juniper (They/She) is a junior majoring in Creative Writing and minoring in Environmental Studies with a concentration in Publishing and Editing. When she’s not editing her page, she attends Salem City Council meetings or writes poetry about mulch. They have been working for the BA their entire college career and is excited to see the paper grow.


“While we scrounge up our last bits of energy finishing a three-page introduction, there is a lake high in the mountains, sailing with a smile through time.”



Mikaela Gantz, News Editor


Maggie Raker, Culture, Wellness, and Lifestyle

Maggie is a sophomore Creative Writing and Theatre double major with a concentration in Music. Aside from being Section Editor of CWL, she is also a Choir Member, APO Member, and a writing tutor. She also helps with TRC shows and in the campus costume shop. Her motto/advice is…

“Make time for the things you want in life now. Don’t wait to start being who you want to be!”



Zachary Bayers, Sports Editor

Zack is a sophomore double majoring in Creative Writing and Business Administration with hopes of becoming an author someday. He’s excited to be a part of the Brackety-Ack staff as the Sports Section Editor! Alongside his role at the BA, Zack is also heavily involved on-campus with other responsibilities such as a CAB Event Planner, Roanotes, Choir, and the upcoming theatre production Machinal. During his free time, you’ll probably catch him either playing games, watching shows, missing his cats, or talking to his beloved girlfriend.



Mikaela Gantz, Interim Opinion Editor