Roanoke College's golf team has been demonstrating remarkable skill and determination in recent tournaments, making waves in the collegiate golf scene. Their recent participation in the Battle at Bulle Rock, hosted by Alvernia University, showcased their prowess. Competing as...
Roanoke Field Hockey had quite an impressive game this past Saturday, November 2nd. This show stopping game was made even more special as this was the last home match for the Maroons, and therefore the team got to celebrate...
The Fall semester is coming to an end and pre-registration starts this week. It can be a stressful time if you aren’t really sure what classes you should take. Thankfully, since last year Roanoke College has provided a ROA...
One of the benefits of living on a small campus like ours is that you’re never more than ten minutes away from Main Street. A few weeks ago, we started this series to encourage students to take advantage of...
Paranormal Cirque III: A Haunting Spectacle in Salem
The Paranormal Cirque III is set to cast its eerie spell over Salem from November 7th to 10th, transforming the Salem Civic Center into a realm of spine-chilling thrills and jaw-dropping performances....
Fall is a great time to be a Maroon. Colorful leaves crown the campus, cooler weather prompts outside study sessions, and the school is ringing with opportunities for entertainment. With many exciting campus events coming up, Roanoke College students...
Jillian Morgan is a senior from Charlotte, North Carolina majoring in psychology and minoring in disability studies. She has done stage work for RC Theater as a part of a scholarship, an opportunity that she does not take for...
After Halloweekend, students are revving up for Thanksgiving and the late fall season. Freshman took the initiative to respond to questions regarding their traditions and opinions for Thanksgiving.
In response to “Do you have any strong opinions on any fall...
Brewing within the theatre department, the upcoming production of Machinal is steadily approaching! For those of you who aren’t aware, Machinal is written by Sophie Treadwell in the 1920s. The premise takes place in this period in New York...
Hey Maroons! As the spooky month of October leaves, a new one arises (of which is my personal favorite), November! A time for giving thanks, autumn goes into full bloom and appreciating what we have. However, as November starts,...
As we end the Hebrew month of Tishrei, a month full of major holidays, I would like to take the time to reflect on the most famous musical about Jewish life. “Fiddler on the Roof” appeared on Broadway in...
The Brackety-Ack reached out to over two dozen student attendees of the Trump Rally on November 2nd, and received only one response, which has resulted in a far shorter article length than the counter rally article...
Social media had quite a lot to say about the Trump rally. Starting off strong, “can Trump wrap it up I can hear him yapping from my room.” This sentiment seemed to be shared by many...
Seven members of the Roanoke College Women’s Swim Team took to the stage with former President Donald Trump seemingly to support his anti-transgender policies. Donned with shirts which read “Keep (picture of a hot dog) out...
On Saturday, November 2nd, some fellow members of Roanoke College’s Young Democrats Club and I attended an event created as a counterrally to former President Donald Trump’s rally in Salem’s Civic Center. The event was organized...
By Ren Monin
Halloween is just around the corner, and you can feel it all around! Pumpkin spice, orange and black, and all sorts of critters are just about everywhere now. Personally, I’m enjoying it all, since this is my...
By Nina Earle
Halloween is coming and feels closer than ever! I have lived on campus for three years, and this year people are definitely going all out. Almost every door has decorations on it, from spider webbing to candy,...
By Delaney Collins
At Roanoke College, the presence of emotional support animals (ESAs) has become increasingly common, reflecting a broader trend in higher education. These animals are not just pets; they are recognized as medical tools that provide essential therapeutic...
By Adriana Rose
In response to “What is your Halloween costume?”
Lolo Pham Hoang ‘26 said, “I’m going to be a frat brother. I was thinking of borrowing a Hawaiian shirt and I’m going to wear some shorts with a white...
By Juniper Rogers
Jenny Burch is a senior from Cooperstown, New York, double majoring in public
health and sociology. She works at the front desk in the Resident Life office and is the
head residential advisor for Crawford Hall. After college, she...