The Swipe Out: Commons Considerations
Written by Shamira James
Oh man, am I heated! This week, all RC students were sent a survey about Dining Services and all of the...
Spring Into Clean – Tips and Tricks
Written by Alexandra Gautier
Spring has, for the most part, sprung. Despite some cold and rainy days, all signs point to warmer, longer and more...
Who Ya Gonna Call? Health Services!
Written by Lorin Brice Hall
It’s a weird windy time here in Salem and everyone’s getting the flu, or just feels under the weather! Instead...
Quinoa For the Win-oa
Written by Lorin Brice Hall
Commons served an exciting new meal during lunch from Feb. 4-8. This meal was the Quinoa Bowl, available at the...
The Swipe Out: Gotta Get Down on Friday
Written by Shamira James
There are times when Commons is the place to be... and then there are times where it’s not. When it’s good,...
How YOU Can Be The Next Martha Stewart: Dorm Style
Written by Kaelyn Spickler
Are you trying to cut your meal plan down? Maybe you have cut your meal plan down, and you keep running...
RC Students Sound Off On International Mental Health
Written by Jessica Shelburne
Emotional and psychological disorders affect humans everywhere. No one is exempt from the mental pressures that accompany this life regardless of...
The Difference Between French and American Cuisine
Written by Alexandra Gautier
When imagining fancy food and fine dining, the mental picture of sitting along the Seine river at a table with an...
The Mentality Behind Loving your Body
Written by Aeryn McMurtry
It is a fact of human nature that a person’s physical appearance is the first thing that other people notice about...
Blood and Plasma Donations in the Roanoke Area
Written by Jessica Shelburne
Many individuals take great pride in organ donation after death. This is an incredible contribution to make, as the average organ...
The Swipe Out: Take Me On A Date
Written by Shamira James
Let’s jump right into it: Valentine’s Day is right around the corner, and we’re broke. I’d like to consider myself to...
China Fresh: Local, Fast and Affordable
Written by Lorin Brice Hall
Commons is cool and all, but it gets repetitive. The meals aren’t bad but you can only really take so...
Hydrate, Don’t Die-drate: Explore Your Relationship With This Multi-Fauceted Resource
Written by Lorin Brice Hall
Roughly 60% of the human body is water, but folks don’t drink enough of it. CBS has reported that around...
New Year, New Diet: Healthy Eating for a Healthier You
Written by Jessica Shelburne
At the beginning of each year, many people partake in the tradition of setting goals to better their livelihood. A common...
The Swipe Out: The Importance of Social Eating
Written by Shamira James
Welcome back everyone! We’re picking back up with the working hard, partying harder and napping the hardest, but more importantly, we’re...
Skin Care in the Name of Self Care
Written by Alexandra Gautier
Many student come into college thinking that their problems with acne and skincare would vanish as soon as they moved in....
Commons, Cavern, and…Kroger?
Written by Lorin Brice Hall
Everyone’s hungry and sometimes we don’t want Cavern, or Commons isn’t open. So we go to Sheetz or some other...
The Swipe Out: Easy Like Sunday Morning Brunch
Written by Shamira James
I want to preface this entire piece by saying I am 21, tickling 22, and am allowed to drink inhumane amounts...
Combating Seasonal Depression: The Importance of Winter Mental Health
Written by Aeryn McMurtry
Mental health is one of the most overlooked and least discussed aspects of physical wellness. It can be affected by things...
Don’t Get Your Tinsel in a Tangle! Try Some of These...
Ah, Thanksgiving, you treated us well. We love your turkey with cranberry sauce and your awkward family reunions. We will forever cherish the tea...