Written by Zoe Manoukian
Egg decorating is speculated to be one of humankind’s oldest art forms, and dates farther than the age of great antiquity in which humans decorated ostrich shell in Africa. According to Stephanie Hall of the American...
Written by Charissa Roberson
One problem with annual awards ceremonies like the Academy Awards, which recognize the “Best Picture” of the year, is that often there are numerous excellent films vying for the same prize. Award-worthy films can fall by...
Written by Kaelyn Spickler, Chris Harrison's Future Replacement
COVID-19 has certainly flipped everyone’s world upside down. It has impacted so many things, and so many things we would never expect. With many states on a stay-at-home order, there are sure...
Written by Joyelle Ronan
“There was one great part to your song – it was the end!”
- Simon Cowell
Allow me to take you back to my most prominent memory of 2008: the finale of the seventh season of American Idol.
Written by Zoe Manoukian
This school year I had the privilege of studying at Université de Nantes in Nantes, France. I arrived in September and left in March due to the pandemic, though I will continue my studies online through...
Written by Alexis Meadows
What does online school look like for you?
Jared Martin, a Junior from Roanoke, VA:
“Online school has its perks. It frees up a lot of time in my schedule allowing me to decide when I will do...
Written by Devon Mitchell
As the country is facing the largest amounts of deaths and confirmed cases of COVID-19, many of those cases are in the nation’s largest metropolis: New York City. As of April 3rd, New York City surpassed...
Written by Kaelyn Spickler
In the last week there has been an overload of social media posts, trends, and memes. For some, this may be annoying, but it’s important to remember we are all locked up in our homes with...
Written by Alexis Meadows
What does online school look like for you?
Shannon O’Leary, a Freshman from New Hampshire:
“Online school for me has been a lot of learning on my own. It takes motivation to not only complete the assignment posted...
Written by Devon Mitchell
In the past two weeks, daily life has drastically changed for all Americans due to COVID-19. Some places in America have closed all “non-essential” businesses. So, what does this mean for Americans, and how have statewide...
Written by Joyelle Ronan
I’m not going to tell you that you shouldn’t procrastinate. You already know this information because your professor told you two weeks ago when the assignment was announced. We’ve all been in this boat. The “this...
Written by Vanessa Mutesi
2020 has come with energy that we never expected. For many, 2020 was going to be THAT year, but we didn’t know it would hit us with heavy curveballs. The world is in a state of...
Written by Robby Mangum
While the Coronavirus dominates the news, one thing you may have missed is a recent bill working through Congress with many ramifications for online privacy. The EARN-IT Act, crafted to protect children, could give the federal...
Written by Kaelyn Spickler
Almost two weeks ago, on March 15, Roanoke College students evacuated campus to follow COVID-19 precautions, and on-line classes began March 17. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to rise, RC faculty, staff, and administration have been...
Written by Kaelyn Spickler
The temperatures and rising, the sun is shining (or at least trying to), and the flowers are blooming. With that comes, not only allergy season, but wedding season. Two or three years ago this wasn’t as...
Written by Joseph Carrick
The world seems to be losing its marbles right now with the new coronavirus spreading from China all the way to our front door. However, the stress associated with the sudden change in living arrangements should...
Written by Zoe Manoukian
We are deep enough into this pandemic and still left with so few answers and so little to do. We are all together here, in our respective homes, cycling through the same information over and over...
Written by Jessica Shelburne
The year 2020 is noteworthy for several reasons. One being that it’s been an entire century since 1920: the beginning of arguably the most remarkable decade in United States history. During these eventful years, Americans witnessed...
Written by Kevin Vitkus
These past few weeks have been crazy and have definitely put us all out of our comfort level. While we are all focusing on our academics outside of the school setting, it is important to remember...
Written by Lucy Collins
Since the student body, faculty, and staff of Roanoke College have been told to leave campus and quarantine themselves in their homes, students have been moved to completing the semester online. This has caused students to...