Home Lifestyle It’s Pisces Season: Put Your Best Fin Forward

It’s Pisces Season: Put Your Best Fin Forward

L0040147 Pisces - Horoscope from 'The book of birth of Iskandar" Credit: Wellcome Library, London. Wellcome Images images@wellcome.ac.uk http://wellcomeimages.org Pisces - the fishes, detail from the Horoscope from 'The book of birth of Iskandar" c.1411 The book of the birth of Iskandar, {European foliation, L to R}. Published: - Copyrighted work available under Creative Commons Attribution only licence CC BY 4.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Written by Caisi Calandra

The sun entered into Pisces on Feb. 18, meaning that until March 20, it’s Pisces season, baby!

Along with people who are Aquariuses, Pisces are some of the most aloof, strange signs out there, and that’s nothing against them — they balance out the complexities and stress of the other signs.

When looking at the positive traits of a Pisces, some of the most important ones are the fact that they’re (1) in touch with their emotions, and (2) imaginative. As a water sign, Pisces are rumored to have experienced past lives, and they feel everything rather intensely — every day, all the time. Being in touch with your emotions and being imaginative is good and all, until you realize that the cons to those two main traits are (1) vulnerability, and (2) being just a little scatterbrained. Even though Pisces are the last sign of the zodiac, and are often disregarded as effeminate and weak, the sign is actually ruled by the planet Jupiter.

Even though your ruling planet isn’t in your House this season, you can look forward to the help of Mercury, which will be explained later, along with an in-depth prediction of your season ahead.

So this season, Pisces, pay special attention to a special someone in your life. If you’re a Pisces born in the beginning of the season, sharing the cusp with Aquarius, you still have a couple of days of February to put on your grown up pants and get freaky with it, as the kids say.

Later in March, and for the majority of it, the card Six of Wands is pulled in your favor, and you’ll experience luck, success and public rewards for your actions. And Mercury is in your House this season, Pisces — this meaning that your communication and thinking will be at its highest until it goes into retrograde (leaves) around March 5.

Mercury is often known as the Roman version of Hermes, and his swift thinking and delivery of messages is what’s going to help you get through this season with clear communication and thinking.

So, use these last few weeks to cram as much communication and heavy thinking in as you can. With Mercury in your House for the rest of February and into March, you should be protected and granted just enough courage to get done the things you need to.