Home Culture & Wellness Superstitions


You might have been walking around with your friends or doing a tour of the college and heard about some important superstitions that Maroons follow. Whether you believe it or not you have been encouraged for years to follow these “rules.” If the word hasn’t gotten to you about it, then let me guide you through these college traditions.

The Kicking Post: This obelisk cement post has been between Trout Hall and the Administration building since the 1920s. It’s said to bring good grades for anyone who kicks it. Some people do a quick touch with their foot on the way to classes, and others do one kick for every class they have in the semester. Whatever you like to do, just remember it is still cement, so a light tap is more than enough.

Don’t Step On The Seal: At least not until you graduate. The seal in front of the Administration building is considered the “centerpiece of the Founders Circle” according to the Roanoke College website. A huge superstition around the seal says that if you step directly on it during your stay at Roanoke College you won’t graduate. Some people get specific with this tale by not stepping inside the circle itself, most avoid the seal and go on about their day. I have yet to meet someone who dares to challenge the seal and live (graduate) to tell the story.

These superstitions may seem a bit unusual on the surface, but they tie us to the Roanoke College community by making us part of a fun tradition. Personally, I will only step on that seal when I am clutching my diploma to my chest.

Andrea Flores

Staff Reporter