As students return for another semester at Roanoke College, Student Affairs is prepared to set them up for a successful spring. The Winter Student Activities Fair is this Friday, January 17 from 4:30 to 6:30 PM in Bast Gym and offers opportunities for students to become engaged with the college community and channel their academic and recreational interests.
Lots of preparation goes into making the Activities Fair a successful event, and this hard work is fueled by the passion and love that students have for the clubs and organizations they are associated with. Students make intricate tables and posters for this event, to showcase the highlights and benefits of joining their organization.
At Roanoke College, there are currently 140 clubs registered on Club Hub, the programming used by clubs and organizations to connect with the student body and run elections. All clubs are available to view on Club Hub, and list officers you can contact if you are interested in joining if you cannot make it to the event.
Students attribute the Activities Fair to their positive experiences they have had in different clubs and organizations. For many, it is where they find their place on campus.
“Going to activity fairs my freshman year introduced me to the clubs that I am now a part of and would never have known about otherwise.” Said second year Amelia Easter.
“Now being in leadership positions for these clubs, I can see why the Activity Fair is so important in gaining traction,” Easter said, who now serves as vice president of Chi Omega and Young Democrats, as well as Attorney General in the Student Government Association.
Clubs and organizations on campus have helped students like Easter gain more experience and leadership opportunities. They can also help improve your life on campus. According to the Journal of College Student Development, data shows that higher involvement in campus life, such as clubs, organizations, student government, and Greek Life can lead to better academic success and decreased mental health issues.
Whether it is to investigate clubs, Greek Life, Service Fraternities, study abroad opportunities, intramural sports, or creative arts groups, there is a table for everyone at the Winter Activities Fair.
Kara Hopkins
Staff Reporter