Home Folks at Noke Savory Selections: A Poll

Savory Selections: A Poll

As winter break ends and the first week of the spring semester winds down, Roanoke College students are settling back into their routines. Amidst the post-break hustle, a recent campus poll asked students to choose their favorite kind of soup to enjoy in this chilly weather.  

The undisputed winner of the poll was chicken noodle soup, which claimed 18 votes. The soup’s timeless appeal – hearty chicken, noodles, and soothing broth – made it the clear winner for those seeking comfort during the colder months. It is no surprise that this comforting classic reigned supreme because of its nostalgic nature. “Chicken noodle soup is such a classic soup that my mom loves to prepare for us,” said one junior. “As a child, my siblings and I would come in from a long day of playing in the snow and warm up with a hot bowl of chicken noodle soup.” 

Close behind chicken noodle was broccoli and cheddar soup, which earned 7 votes. This creamy, cheesy choice clearly won over students looking for something rich to enjoy during the colder months, some students noting that the soup is best served in a bread bowl.  

Meanwhile, the more unusual seasonal selections did not fare as well as the other more prominent options. Pumpkin and tomato soup each received just 1 vote, suggesting that while these soups may have their devoted fan, they didn’t quite make the cut for most students. Lastly, 3 students chose “other,” and their choices included ramen, potato soup, and butternut squash soup – adding some variety and perhaps a bit of creativity to the otherwise traditional choices. 

As winter continues, it is clear that Roanoke College students have a strong preference for the classics when it comes to warming up with soup.  


Adriana Rose

Staff Reporter