Home Opinion Spreading Peace and Love On Planet Earth

Spreading Peace and Love On Planet Earth

By Ren Monin

With the semester now in full swing, your life may be starting to get a little crazy. Between education, employment, extracurriculars, and events, it might seem like you never have a moment to rest. What might seem even worse is that none of these things are ever going to go perfectly. You might fail a test, or not get a job you really wanted, or stumble over your words during an important presentation. Whatever might be bringing you down, I have two words for you: it’s okay.

It’s okay that things didn’t go as planned. It’s even okay that you messed up. What’s important is that you tried! I know that you, the students and staff at Roanoke College, are all trying so hard. I might not know most of you (no matter how social I am, and how small the campus is, I’m still only one person), even still, I am cheering for you. It’s so easy to feel discouraged and unsupported. I know I’ve been there before, which is why I’m writing this, an open love letter to each and every one of you. I am so proud of all the work of everyone in our community. Everyone here really does have something special to contribute. It may sound cheesy and lame, but I really do love you all. I’m honored to be a part of this beautiful network of people, each and every one of us giving our all, no matter how small that might be. I will always be in your corner, even if we never meet. I will carry you all with me forever, because we were part of this great community!

When I’m trying to find the bright side of a situation, a phrase I will sometimes use is “peace and love on planet earth.” My friends hear me say the phrase quite often, and I feel that it’s fitting now, since peace and love are exactly what I’m trying to spread to you all! 

If you’ve gotten this far, I’d like to leave you with one final affirmation. You’re doing great, and you’ve come so far. Peace and Love on Planet Earth.