Home Opinion The Importance of Language Learning

The Importance of Language Learning

By Delaney Collins

  Every student at Roanoke College must take foreign language courses, and I think they are some of the most important courses you can take here. Many might view foreign language learning as a requirement or chore, not a privilege. The truth is, I felt the same way once too.  As a younger teenager, I thought learning a language was pointless since my life would only be filled with English speakers. While yes, English is such a common language, it was close-minded of me to think that way instead of using the resources that surrounded me and learning to communicate with so many more people in my life. Even in my small hometown of Berryville, VA, there are such a variety of foreign languages spoken, especially Spanish. Spanish is the second language I have in my vocabulary, and I have been able to confidently communicate with more people from my home, work, and school. 

Language learning is not an effortless process. Understanding and applying a new vocabulary, not even mentioning all the new grammar rules, is a difficult and frustrating task. It is never too late to start learning, but there are setbacks to studying a new language later in life. Our adult brain processes information in regards to language in a much more complex way than as a young child. In elementary school, our brains grow and develop at such a fast rate that more than one language is much simpler for them to latch on to and distinguish between. This brings me to another point- why are foreign languages not taught in elementary schools? This would save many from distress in their adult life when they are overthinking the new grammar rules of a language. However, for those who did not start learning at a young age, I highly advocate for immersion in your language of choice. Two summers ago, I spent three weeks in a full-immersion Spanish Academy. I know this might not be an option for you, but there are still ways where you can enhance your secondary language abilities; like getting involved with the people in your community. There are so many people that speak a second language. We are privileged to be at Roanoke College and should take advantage of Salem’s community and the various communities here on campus. Surround yourself in unfamiliar cultures. Expand your knowledge and views. I encourage everyone reading this to take time and acknowledge that you will be able to learn a new language.