Home Folks at Noke Folk of ‘Noke: Zoe Lampros

Folk of ‘Noke: Zoe Lampros

By Juniper Rogers 

Zoe Lampros is a senior from Salem, Virginia majoring in political science and minoring in sociology. She is a Maroon Ambassador, an intern in the Office of Advancement, and Vice President of the Student Government Association. 

“I cannot function with music. People think I’m scary because I always have headphones on and don’t smile, but I’m listening to screamo and metal, which really doesn’t warrant much smiling. I occasionally listen to Nickleback which I know is not a fan favorite!” 

“For a very long time, I’ve wanted to be involved in politics. So I thought joining SGA would be a fun way to get involved but also to attempt to make a difference on campus. It kinda snowballed from there going from being a senator to working my up onto exec board. It’s been an absolutely wonderful experience, I love seeing the changes made and getting to pass it down to sophomores and freshmen who want to make a difference. It’s fun seeing those people come in and be excited.” 

“I workout all the time so I’ve done some good hikes over the years though have yet to hike McAfee. I would do more but, as everyone can tell you, I have zero balance and trip everywhere.” 

“I enjoy cooking here and there and my staple is definitely Baklava. I’ve learned to make it from a young age, it’s time-consuming but always worth it!” 

“First I’d like to thank my friends who’ve stuck by my side this whole time, Hope Whimmer and Garrett Mitchell, Cole Rosen in the admissions office who gave me the opportunity to realize I want to work in higher education, the entire staff in the advancement office have always looked out for me, and the overall community of Roanoke for allowing me to grow and blossom into the person I want to be.”