Home Sports MLB March 21st Round-Up

MLB March 21st Round-Up

Written by Mateo Biggs

As we all see with sports rivalries, there is always a sort of hype that is present when fans get together to watch. For instance, as of Thursday, March 21st the San Diego Padres faced off against the Los Angeles Dodgers in Seoul, South Korea as part of the season opening games. Amidst the hype for the game was plenty of in-game moments that definitely both stole the show and fumbled the metaphorical bag.

Despite his status as a three-time winner of the Pacific League Most Valuable Player award along with the holder of the Eiji Sawamura award, Yoshinobu Yamamoto– who recently was signed onto the Los Angeles Dodgers with $325 million dollars in his 12-year-pact with the league –fumbled amongst his debut in the uniform of white and blue. Yamamoto had allowed 5 runs on 4 hits, a walk, and he had managed to hit a batsman during the course of the game. 

In fact, within the first inning alone, the San Diego Padres snatched the lead from under the Dodgers, leading with 5 points alone and leaving the Dodgers to struggle in keeping up.

On the Padres side, the team had Jackson Merrill move from being an infielder to starting the game centered for the team, and where Merrill had managed to already start the game off strong and make a name for himself amongst Padres fans everywhere. In fact, by the end of the game, the Padres snatched up a victory of 15 to the Dodger’s 11.

This means that the Dodgers and the Padres will be leaving with a 1-1 win loss ratio, which already puts many on the edge of their seats as they look forward to the rest of the season and what exactly this season holds in store for us.