Written by Adriana Rose
In response to “How do you feel about the start of a new semester?”
Adrianna Minor ‘27 said, “This new semester is pretty interesting for me. This time
around I feel more studious and more focused on achieving my academic goals. Since
this is the second semester, I am more familiar with studying here at Roanoke and can
become a better student.”
In response to “How have you felt about the weather in the Salem area recently?”
Jillian Morgan ‘25 said, “I love the snow! It was so beautiful, and I don’t get to see it
that often, so it’s exciting when it happens! I’m not a big fan of the cold, but I’m a huge
fan of snow. If it’s going to be cold, it might as well snow.”
In response to “What is an academic goal of yours for the upcoming semester?”
Nicholas Fultz ‘27 said, “An academic goal of mine is to get my work in on time. Late
work is what’s caused me the most anxiety throughout my academic career, so trying
to have as little as possible will do wonders for my mental health.”