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Halloween Already?

Written by Nina Earle

Every year without fail, I wander into a big department store in early September and become very confused. The store will have all the normal stuff, but all the themed goods will already be set up for Halloween. With almost two months before Halloween, the multi candy packs go on sale and the Spirit Halloweens open. I guess they are ready for the prepared parent that is jumping from event to event for their kids? Stores seem to be ready to throw out all the stops as soon as school is in session. So when is it too early to put out the spider webs and skeletons?

I believe that the start of October is a great time to get out most of your spooky decorations. Things like glow in the dark spiders, blow up skeletons and dangling witches fit in perfectly well with the changing of the leaves that happens in October. These items, and many more, bring a fun spooky feel to homes and spaces. They get people excited for Halloween. It is this feeling that makes people feel like the world should shut down for Halloween. It is all the decorations and hyping that leaves some kids confused as to why there is still school and stuff due on the 31st.

There is one decoration that does not go up until the week before Halloween. I know everyone does holi-days differently, but logistically Jack-o-lanterns should not be carved until the week before at the earliest. These decorations not only rot, but they are a favorite of squirrels and ants. The moment the pumpkin that you spent time working on is alone on your doorstep the countdown begins. Within a week, it rotted, covered in bugs, and
has bite marks all around the openings. While it is fun to decorate all at once, it is best to wait until the last week so that you may get the most out of all your decorations.