Home Entertainment A Ghastly Walk in Roanoke

A Ghastly Walk in Roanoke

Written by Mateo J. Biggs

The Halloween season begins its annual crawl forward once more as maroons on campus say goodbye to the heat of summer and greet the chill of autumn once more. While many might be saddened by the departure of summer, those who prefer the spooky month will be happy to know many events are opening their doors now that we have made it thus far!

One such event of note should be the annual “Ghost Walk” hosted by the Salem Museum and Historical Society– a nonprofit organization dedicated to preserving the town’s history and culture –at Salem’s East Hill Cemetery from October 5th to 7th. Opening its gate from 6pm to 8pm, guests are recommended to wear shoes made for walking due to the fact you will be traversing the cemetery grounds for about half a mile. While encouraged to buy your tickets in advance, it is important to note that they can be bought at the Salem Museum itself or on the museum’s official website itself. 

Prices vary between $10 for adults, $5 for students of any age, and utterly free for children 3 and under– which is great! As the stories being told will not be terrifying, despite the setting and the subject, but instead informative and a great place to spend an evening to kick off the scary season. Granted, even though it is the 6th as this paper comes out, you still have one more day to join in the tour and see the lives of ghosts explained and the eras they lived in for yourself!

Tours will be leaving every 15 minutes, with a sign language interpreter joining at the 6pm tour itself, allowing this tour to be for everyone of any walk of life! 

For more information, reach out to 540-389-6760 or salemmuseum.org