Home Folks at Noke Maroons Talk: Sports on Campus

Maroons Talk: Sports on Campus

by Juniper Rogers

Sports, a place for one to fine tune your athleticism.  Sports, a place for rambunctious cats.  Sports, a place for an enriching community.  Let’s dive in!

To the question of “As a first year, how has joining Roanoke Athletics been for you?”, Hollis Bartlett ‘26 said “I am a thrower on the cross-country team, so my experience with the rest of the team has been a unique one.  I have always found good friends through sports and that has been especially true here.  Though it is not often that the whole cross-country team meets up officially, we all have made opportunities to be together as a team.  Even when it is just me and the throwers, it still feels like a team because of the quality bonding time we spend together.  Overall, it has been wonderful to join such a fun and hard-working community!”

To the question of “What do you enjoy most about game day on campus?”, Salem the Cat said “There are many things of course!  One of the best parts of game day is the dandy selection of yummy snacks dropped by humans, both old and stinky.  I must mention that those droppings attract mice, so more food!  I am forever grateful to those clumsy humans.  Oh yeah, the sports game is a great source of pets for me.  More people, more love!  So, I say, play ball!”