Home Lifestyle What to Expect When You’re Expecting: Vaccine Edition

What to Expect When You’re Expecting: Vaccine Edition

Written by Zach “Insert Clever Line” Dalton

The recent news of the COVID-19 vaccine becoming available for people offers plenty of opportunities for everyone to become vaccinated against the virus. Getting vaccinated is key because if enough people receive it, there is a chance to create something known as “herd immunity.” This is where the disease will die off when there are not enough hosts for it to infect due to their immune systems’ ability to fight it. However, there have been consistent reports about the vaccine giving people a rough-go usually 24 hours after the dose, but have no fear the Brackety-Ack has another guide for you. So, without further ado here is what to expect when you’re expecting: vaccine edition!

1.) Vitamins. Most people do not consider the positive effects of vitamins when preparing for a vaccine. Taking vitamins leading up to your vaccine appointment will help boost your immune system while lowering the time you’ll feel the effects.

2.) Water. One of the most abundant resources available to us is also one of the best ways to combat side effects. Water will help hydrate your body and will essentially help it run more efficiently.

3.) Sleep. This one is easier said than done for most people, especially college-age people, but getting an appropriate amount of sleep will benefit you greatly pre-vaccine. The night or two before your appointment are the key times because getting your full rest will allow your body ample time to recover and have more of the resources needed for a quick recovery.

4.) Tylenol (or something similar). Extra strength. Most people who have gotten the vaccine have talked about their arm or body being sore after, so pain-relief is a must. I suggest Tylenol because it also helps with fevers and chills which have been reported side-effects. It should also be mentioned that you should only take the medicine when you start to feel the symptoms and not sooner that way you can tell if you’re having any other issues first.

5.) Wait 90 Days. This is for those who have had COVID-19 within the past two months. The CDC has suggested for you to wait 90 days before receiving a vaccine. This is to be sure that the antibodies have left your system and your reaction will be the safest.