Home Lifestyle Dear Brackety-Ack…

Dear Brackety-Ack…

Written by Madalyn Chapman, Business Manager

I don’t know how to begin this letter. I’ve drafted parts of it in my head time and time again, but I never know how to start. How can I begin to say goodbye to something that meant so much to me during my time at Roanoke? Something that led to my meeting so many incredible people? Something that provided a space for me to learn? To grow? To take on a professional role? To help contribute to campus life in such a fun way?

The answer is pretty simple: I can’t.

I can’t say goodbye. I know that when I graduate, I am taking the Brackety-Ack with me. It’s coming with me to Chicago in the fall, and it will stay with me all my life.

How so?

Through the writing skills that I developed as a result of writing for the entertainment section my freshman and sophomore year.

Through the interviewing skills that I learned from Jenny Boone, Dr. Carter, and my very first editor, Emma Grosskopf.

Through the friendship I cultivated with Kaelyn Spickler, first my fellow reporter, then an editor, then a co-worker, and then my Editor-in-Chief.

Through the friendships I gained with the entire editorial staff, our faculty advisor, and alumni advisor.

Through the relationships I formed with our amazingly talented and dedicated reporters. I know I emailed you relentlessly about timesheets. I hope you can forgive me for that. 🙂

Even though I won’t be on campus in the fall to write any articles, get the website ready on publishing day, or talk to our staff, the Brackety-Ack will be with me. I can’t wait to read the articles you all will continue to write, and see the social media posts highlighting the amazing work of our staff and the fun events I know you will have. The Brackety-Ack is only going to get better, and I can’t wait to witness it.

I recently stumbled upon a quote by Mahatma Ghandi that summarizes my feelings about having to leave the Brackety-Ack behind and move on to the next chapter in my life. “There are no goodbyes for us. Wherever you are, you will always be in my heart.” With that in mind, I leave Roanoke College filled with joy, hope, and pride for the newspaper with such a bizarre name that I have grown to love so much.

I wish everyone involved with the Brackety-Ack – whether it be as an editor, reporter, advisor, or reader – the very best going forward from this semester, whether it be at Roanoke or elsewhere.

With lots of love and hope for the future,

Madalyn Chapman

P.S. Don’t forget to turn in your timesheets. 🙂