Coming out of left field… class registration. Every semester since I started at Roanoke College, class registration has appeared out of nowhere after break. It’s like the first half of the semester is to get you used to the classes that you are in and then all of a sudden you are planning for the next semester. Now I have always been a very prepared and driven student, but not everyone is. If I with all my charts and list of requirements find this short period before class registration chaotic, than I know that I am not the only one. I am not the only one who is hoping that one class will be offered. I am not the only one who puts their schedule together with sleeping in mind. I am not the only one who looks at the choices for classes and wishes there were more options. There will always be something about your schedule that you don’t love, and it doesn’t matter is it’s a topic of a class or just the time that you have to wake up in the morning for class. There will always be something so don’t worry too much about it.
The best thing to remember during this crazy time is that no one wants you to fail or have to drop a program. Class scheduling is hard for everyone. Students are trying to fill requirements for programs, and faculty are trying to offer a wide range of classes that also fill the need. No one has it easy for the two weeks of advising meetings and rearranging schedules before and during class registration. It is almost guaranteed that you will not get into one of your classes, so it is important to not worry about it too much.
I wish everyone the best of luck with either picking there fall class, graduation, or just life.
Nina Earle
Staff Reporter