Many things draw students to Roanoke College as their home as they get their bachelor’s degree: the professors, the small town, athletics, academics, and a boatload of other things. I am certain, however, that no one comes to Roanoke College for the dorms. With fire alarms happening at any hour in the morning, water being finicky, and potential safety concerns, living in the dorms can pose difficult.
I do want to add something to the list of things Roanoke College does well. They love to push for people not to be on campus, which may seem silly for a college to do, but is actually really great. By pushing students into the world, they are not only connecting classroom learning to the real world but also getting students into the world.
They do this through many means and levels of commitment. From May Terms that do weekend trips to May Terms fully abroad, the summer in Oxford program, and the option to spend a semester in DC or abroad, there are so many options to get students off campus and out into the world.
I have had two great experiences off campus through Roanoke College and I would fully recommend that anyone who has the time and wiggle room in their schedule do it. I took an abroad May ay Term to Greece last May with Dr. Hawke and Dr. Willingham and it was amazing. I not only learned a lot on the trip, but I also learned a lot about myself. I am writing this article from Washington D.C. where I am taking part in the LWS program. In this program, I am taking a class or two as well as doing a full-time internship in the field of my choice.
While I love Roanoke College and all the people there. There is something special about getting off campus. If you find a program that interests you, go for it! The worst that can happen is that you hate it and wait however many weeks to come back.
Nina Earle
Staff Reporter