As usual, we start the new year with many resolutions in search of being the best version of ourselves: going to the gym more often, eating healthier, staying on top of schoolwork, or working harder to earn some extra money. That being said, it’s hard to find motivation when we don’t feel our best. Winter is one of my favorite seasons, but winter is also the season in which I get sick more often than any other time of the year.
It’s times like these when I return to those home remedies I grew up with. If you are feeling under the weather during this time, trying some of these recommendations may be able to help you power through!
A warm cup of tea is a staple for those colds that don’t seem to go away. A simple lemon and ginger tea can go a long way, especially when adding honey to get rid of a sore throat. Not to mention how relaxing it is to cover up with a blanket and drink hot tea on a snowy day.
If you are in the mood for some food but finding that most things make you nauseous, maybe relying on the classic chicken noodle soup can help settle your stomach and get some nutrients in you! It is also a very cost-friendly option for those on a budget, as college students often are.
One of the most important things to do when you are not feeling well is to rest as much as possible. Finding time between classes, clubs, and events is hard, but your body needs time to recover. Remember to communicate with your professors and to visit Health Services when needed.
Stay healthy, Maroons!
Andrea Flores
Staff Reporter