Home Culture & Wellness Keep your eyes peeled

Keep your eyes peeled

Written by Amelia Huggins

Ah, the holidays. A great time to catch up with friends, reunite with family, and catch a breather from life. Many people host parties, some might host game nights, and others may simply cuddle up with someone special under a blanket to watch a movie (I recommend either “Doctor Strange and The Multiverse of Madness”, “The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty”, or “A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving” if you’re in the mood for a Thanksgiving-themed film). 

And of course, when it’s holiday time, it’s also feast time. Turkey, pies, cakes, cookies, sides, drinks, fancy silverware, the whole shabang! We want it all, and after a semester of work, one may even say we need it all. We need a break from life. We need to be able to sit around the table and stuff our faces with friends and family. We need a reason to set the table, and dress up, and celebrate!

There are many delicious Thanksgiving foods, from the entrees to the deserts to the sides. Mashed potatoes are one of the easiest holiday sides to make. Here’s a recipe for them I found by Stephanie at The Cozy Cook that definitely gives store bought mashed potatoes a run for their money. 


It is recommended to use a starchy potato (such as Yukon Gold or Russet) for ease of mashing.


Step 1: Cut potatoes into ¾ inch slices to ensure even cooking (whether you want to peel the skin is personal preference)

Step 2: Place potatoes in a pot and submerge with cold water. Slowly bring it to a boil to ensure the ingredients cook evenly

Step 3: Salt the water

Step 4: Cook for 25 minutes or until potatoes are tender, drain the water, and then let the potatoes sit for an additional five minutes

Step 5: Add butter to the potatoes and allow it to melt. Add sour cream and half and half to achieve desired creaminess.

Step 6: Mash your frustrations away. Imagine the potatoes as the face of your enemy, but make sure not to overmash.

Step 7: Eat and enjoy!


And as you sit down to enjoy your meal, always remember that no matter what life throws your way, you still have people who love you far and near. 


(Stephanie. “Homemade Mashed Potatoes.” The Cozy Cook, 11 Nov. 2023, thecozycook.com/homemade-mashed-potatoes/. )