Home Culture & Wellness Chai You’ve Gotta Try

Chai You’ve Gotta Try

By Marisa Seager

As the seasons change, I am always eager to swing by a coffee shop and try the latest holiday drink. However, no matter what time of year it is, I can always go for a chai latte! 

The number of ways to customize a chai tea latte is almost limitless. Here are all of the ways to modify a chai-based beverage: mix the drink with flavored syrup or a flavored sauce, opt for another type of milk, add a drizzle or topping, or even combine the chai with another drink.

While my go to is a dirty chai latte, which is simply a regular chai with a shot of espresso, I have been experimenting lately with some new combinations that I would like to share with you all!

Here are some of my favorite chai recipes that you’ve gotta try:

  • Brown Sugar Chai
    • I’m not positive that all Starbucks locations still have this flavor but if you can find it, try adding this to a chai.
  • Pumpkin Chai
    • If you like pumpkin and chai, then you have to try combining the two. However, I would recommend using a pumpkin sauce rather than a syrup but that’s just me.
  • Sugar Cookie Chai
    • Swing by Starbucks, or Rooney’s if you are on campus, and ask for a chai latte with the sugar cookie syrup. To me, chai is already a holiday drink, but when it is mixed with this flavor it really just tastes like Christmas!
  • Caramel Dirty Chai
    • This one is as simple as the name to order. Just ask for a chai latte with a shot of espresso and some caramel sauce. If you aren’t a big fan of the taste of espresso, this is a delicious way to help mask the bitterness. 
  • White Chocolate Cinnamon Chai
    • Start with a chai, add cinnamon dolce, white mocha, and cinnamon on top. All of these flavors pair perfectly together for a nice spice taste.

Now, before you take these recipes and run to Dunkin or Starbucks, consider making it at home. While sometimes I like to splurge on a drink while I’m out and about, it’s also really inexpensive to stop by the store to purchase the three ingredients you need – chai concentrate, your choice of milk, and flavorings. Trust me on this one.