Home Opinion RBG: A Life of Excellence and Justice

RBG: A Life of Excellence and Justice

Written by Devon “Next Supreme Court Justice” Mitchell

On Friday, September 18th, America lost a true icon. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg died in her DC home at age 87. 

The death of the “Notorious RBG” left many Americans at a loss for words. She spent her life fighting for gender equality and proving that women can do anything men can do. Starting at Cornell University, RBG excelled in her studies and worked her way up to Harvard Law, where she was one of nine women in her class. From there, she worked tirelessly in her studies while raising a family. Transferring in her last year of Law School, RBG graduated from Columbia University. After graduation, she spent time clerking for New York Judge Edmund Palmieri and taught Law at Rutgers. It was at Rutgers that she first began fighting gender discrimination.

Her resume, to anyone who saw, was impressive. What really set her apart from her male colleagues was her determination and spirit. She was known for her ability to laugh at herself but also remain serious to ensure justice was served. She was only the second woman appointed to the Supreme Court, and it was there that she defied all judgments and stereotypes women had endured for centuries. She was famous for her many dissents while on the bench. Her eloquence and attitude brought life and light to the causes which she cared so deeply about. There is no argument saying RBG was not passionate about what she did, and her dissents prove that.

A small tribute does not do justice to the Supreme Court Justice, who spent her life fighting for what is just and right. As we mourn her death, we must remember her desire to do good for the future. For all of us who grieve over this loss, we must act like she is watching, and we must carry on her fight for equality. History will soon forget the politics surrounding RBG’s death, but it will never forget the powerful women who sat on the bench for 27 years and created a brighter future for the American people.