Home Opinion Election Countdown: Mail-In Ballots

Election Countdown: Mail-In Ballots

Written by Devon Mitchell

With just over two months left until the general election Americans are getting anxious to get their hands on their ballots and cast their vote. The race between incumbent President Trump (R) and former Vice President Joe Biden (D) is a divisive one and in many ways it is showing American’s true colors. At this point there is not going to be a lot of convincing to vote one way or the other. Now, the problem is getting people to cast their votes.

Understandably, some, if not many, voters are feeling a sense of apprehension towards voting. Amid the Coronavirus pandemic, voters are nervous about overcrowding at the polls and potentially exposing themself or others to the virus. While many states have taken steps to ensure the safety of their citizens by providing and offering the option of a mail-in ballot, there are still speedbumps of the road to the election. For starters, some states will only allow mail-in ballots should the voter be traveling or sick. Additionally, for the past couple of weeks the United States Postal Service (USPS) has faced near daily attacks from President Trump who has shown no restraint in expressing his distaste at the idea of mail-in ballots. The Postmaster General Louis DeJoy, who was appointed by Trump, has cut transportation costs for USPS resulting in delayed postal delivery. All this considering this election is predicted to have the highest number of mail in ballots in recent history. This means if you intend on voting by mail-in ballot you need to take care of it as soon as possible.

There is a lot on the line during this election. No matter which side you plan on voting for, the political polarization makes for a tense domestic stage where the very fabric of our democracy is being tested. Because of this, as responsible citizens we need to show up at the polls. The excuse of not being able to make it to the polls or forgetting to mail in your ballot is not good enough. As citizens it is our duty to vote. It is one of our most celebrated rights and we should exercise it, especially in a time where the country is so fragile. That being said, make sure you are registered to vote. Apply for an absentee ballot as soon as possible, once you recieve it fill it out and mail it in or bring it to your town office. Make sure you understand your state’s guidelines on mail-in ballots and voting. If you cannot mail in your ballot, then on November 3rd get to the polls early or wait as long as you have to. We live in a democracy, treat voting as such.