Home Folks at Noke Midterm Tips for the (below) Average Student!

Midterm Tips for the (below) Average Student!

Midterm week is right around the corner, and everyone is stressed out. Whether you’ve been here for four years or four months, midterms are never quite the same every time around, so you can never prep for it the same way every time. Here are some good, fun and fresh ways to make sure you stay ahead of the midterm curveball!

  1. Study in your room – The one with the warm lights, the wax burner going, the heat is just right and oh, your bed. Well, it won’t hurt to lay down for a little. You have a headache anyway, and you need to decompress before you study. You won’t even be down for that long… oh look, an ASMR video… well, if you sleep for like 10 minutes, what’s the issue? Okay, well 10 minutes is nothing just make it 20… well heck, make it a full hour…and then you’ll wake up…(goodnight).
  2. Queue it up – Okay, you grabbed a classroom in Lucas all to yourself. You have your snacks and energy drinks on deck because it’s gonna be a long night, and now you just have to choose your music. First is some Cardi B, then some Lady Gaga, and of course Sam Smith, and you can’t have any kind of playlist of any kind without Rihanna, and, oh yes, Ariana! The homework can wait because now, obviously, you have to perform all of these songs. Let’s hope your midterm only asks what the lyrics are to “7 Rings.”
  3. Valley View Here We Come – Here’s the thing, if you’re gonna be in Fintel all night studying, you need to be comfortable. The chairs are hard, the rooms are hot, and wearing something that doesn’t bring you absolute comfort is out of the question. Take a quick drive up to Valley View and browse a few stores, maybe a thrift store in the Roanoke area or even Target because everyone knows that Target is a one-and-done deal. NO ONE ever spends more time than they need to in Target.
  4. The Quicker Picker Upper – If your mind is in the right place, you’ll be able to study better, duh! But you can’t focus because you know your room is an absolute mess- your sock drawer is getting out of hand, your closet isn’t organized by color, and, oh my goodness, do you SERIOUSLY have dust on your blinds? You need to clean this now. Are you just making yourself busy because you’d rather do literally anything than study for this 8:30 midterm? Yes, but your failure to face your fears is an issue for another issue, so bust down with them lemon Lysol wipes.
  5. Hop in the whip and dip – You already failed one midterm, and you’re about to fail another one…honestly don’t even stress yourself out. Hop in your car and ride home. Yeah, you got a zero but your mom will be happy to see you, right?